Euphoria File Reference
#include "minsynth/synth.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "log/log.h"
#include "assert/assert.h"
#include "base/numeric.h"
#include "base/cint.h"
#include "base/angle.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  eu::minsynth::ToneToFrequencyConverter< steps_per_octave >




std::string eu::minsynth::to_string (Tuning t)
std::string eu::minsynth::to_string (ChordEmulation em)
float eu::minsynth::from_tuning_to_base_frequency (Tuning t)
std::string eu::minsynth::from_midi_event_to_string (MidiEvent e)
std::string eu::minsynth::to_string (ArpMode mode)
std::string eu::minsynth::to_string (OscilatorType osc)
template<int tones_per_octave>
float eu::minsynth::from_tone_to_frequency_impl (int tone, float base_frequency)
float eu::minsynth::from_tone_to_frequency (int tone, float base_frequency)
float eu::minsynth::run_oscilator (float frequency, float time, OscilatorType osc)
float eu::minsynth::to01 (float lower_bound, float value, float upper_bound)
std::vector< PianoKey > eu::minsynth::build_one_cctave_of_piano_keys (int octave, int semitone_offset, core::Key c, core::Key d, core::Key e, core::Key f, core::Key g, core::Key a, core::Key b, core::Key c_sharp, core::Key d_sharp, core::Key f_sharp, core::Key g_sharp, core::Key a_sharp)
const KeyboardLayout & eu::minsynth::create_qwerty_keyboard_layout ()
void eu::minsynth::setup_one_octave_layout (std::vector< PianoKey > *keys, int base_octave, int octave, const KeyboardLayout &k, int start_row, int start_col)
void eu::minsynth::setup_qwerty_two_octave_layout (std::vector< PianoKey > *keys, int base_octave, int octave_offset)